Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Most Common Baby Health Issues And Tips On Their Treatment

Babies are just so lovely and adorable, looks like angels especially while they were sleeping. For their cuteness, any mother could go extreme protective. When babies are born, they are vulnerable to sickness as their immune system is weak. Therefore, parents need to take extra care of their babies to insure that they do not get sick all the time

Although vaccines are given to infants for protection against sickness, still there are few of the most common infant health issues which need to be resolved within a limited time to avoid any serious trouble. Few of such consequences are:

Caring For A Newborn's Umbilical Cord

You must make sure that the diapers must stay below cord to keep it clean and dry until it falls off naturally. This may take few weeks time. However, it may become infected so you need to take extra care of it. It is recommended to gently dab the area with some cotton swab. If any sign of soreness, redness appears, immediately call for a doctor. 

Care For Diaper Rash

It is possible to prevent diaper rash by changing the diaper often. However, if rashes still persist, you should treat it immediately as they tend to get worse within a short span of time. Be diligent in washing baby’s bottom. Try to leave baby uncovered for few hours each day so that her bottom portion can enjoy some fresh air. 

You must remain cognizant of the above and more such baby’s health issues. Keep a note of preventing and treating such matters with utmost caution. For a proper week by week baby development, it’s important to prevent these issues or treat them at an early stage. 

Follow a healthy pregnancy guide and consult baby’s health caregiver for sound tips on baby proper care.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

What Pregnant Women Should Avoid?

As a would-be mother, it should be your goal to keep your baby in a healthy and safe condition. To do that, you need to take sure precautions when eating, moving and working. While exploring the precautions, you will find a list of foods, drinks, medicines and exercises to avoid during pregnancy. 

Pregnant women need to be aware of what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. You should remember that you are no longer eating for yourself; anything that is gobbled makes it way to the baby as well. Avoid the foods like raw eggs, homemade ice cream that may contain salmonella. Foods like freshwater fish and herbs like ginger, etc cause distress to both mother and baby. So, avoid them completely. 

When it comes to protect the health and well-being of your baby; there are few drinks to avoid as well. Drinks like beer, wine has to be avoided as they can cause fetal alcohol syndrome. Similarly, avoid unpasteurized milk or juice as they raise the risk of making you ill and damage your baby’s neurological organism.

During pregnancy, medication taken by pregnant women can affect the growth of baby. If recommended directions are not followed in case of medication, it can cause serious harm to baby. To avoid the risk, you need to remain away from medicines like herbal pills and regular vitamins. If your condition required medication, consult your doctor.  

Pregnancy demand some sort of exercise but that too within prescribed limitations. You can avoid some exercises from the list of many like; sit-ups and double leg lift exercises, bouncy exercises, lay flat on back exercise,  etc. aside from these, you must avoid some sports also like; water skiing, diving, gymnastics and so on. Remember, follow the exercise which lessens down the risk involved in pregnancy. 

If you are still doubted on the things to avoid during pregnancy, consult your doctor today. Once you speak to your doctor, you can get the most accurate information concerning your health condition. Don’t forget to ask for a healthy diet plan for pregnant women.

Clarify your doubts and have a healthy pregnancy!